Re-Opening of School

Re-Opening of School – Questionnaire for Parents/Carers

On 3 June 2020, the Minister for Education announced that schools will partially re-open on Monday 29 June for four weeks until 27 July.  In order to make the necessary arrangements for this, we need to know how many pupils will be attending school during this period and how they plan to travel to school. Please find below a link to an online form. The questions in the form relate ONLY to the period from now until the end of the Summer Term.

If you have more than one child, please could you complete a questionnaire for each one individually. We have been instructed that no more than a third of the cohort can be in school at any one time. In order to keep all members of the school community safe, we will be opening to the following year groups on the following days.

Year 10: 29th & 30th June; 13th & 14th July ONLY
Year 9: 2nd & 3rd July; 16th & 17th July ONLY
Year 8: 6th & 7th July; 20th & 21st July ONLY
Year 7: 9th & 10th July; 23rd & 24th July ONLY

Pupils will be in school for two consecutive days on each occasion. Wednesday of each week will be used to deep clean the school. When pupils are on the premises they will be limited to a classroom ‘bubble’ which consists of one teacher and no more than 8 pupils. All time will be spent in the ‘bubble’ including recreational times.

We appreciate you taking the time to complete the form, it will greatly help the planning process. We would be grateful if you could complete and return this form as soon as possible and no later than 3:00pm on Wednesday 10th June 2020. The information you provide here will be used for planning purposes, and may be subject to change depending on Government advice and guidance.
or select ‘Re-Opening’ from main menu on website
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