Dear Parents / Carers,
Many thanks, to you for responding to the recent questionnaires. Over 530 families have responded, and this has allowed us to make plans which ensure we can safely operate within the restrictions that have been placed on schools by Welsh Government.
We will be opening on the 29th June 2020 for pupils of those families who have responded and told us that they wish to return. Unfortunately, we will not now be able to accept pupils who have not already indicated that they wish to be in school. Equally, we understand that some pupils are required to continue to shield, or remain anxious about returning to school at this time – we understand this position and will continue to set work via googleclassroom. School will also make contact to see how you are getting on (at some point in July)!
Our site team have been busy making all our classrooms safe, and have ensured that unnecessary furniture, desks and chairs have been removed. Corridors have been labelled with signage, prompts and reminders. Social distancing (currently 2m) can be observed in all areas of the school – including our classrooms. Robust risk assessments have taken place and continue to be updated regularly.
Pupils who are on-site will be in ‘bubbles of 8’, and will be with a member of staff. During the days in school, pupils will have the opportunity to have some time discussing their experiences and engagement over the lock-down period, as well as working on basic skills (literacy / numeracy), catching-up on work, setting targets for the summer, PSE, and some time in collective worship.
I have forwarded information to the Local Authority in relation to pupils who are normally in receipt of free transport, and should be able to share more information in the near future.
Our school restaurant will be open throughout the rest of the summer term, and will be serving a reduced menu of hot meals each day. Pupils will be able to pre-order these on arrival at school, the food will then be delivered to them. I would ask that where possible payment for school meals is made via the online payment system.
When on-site, pupils are not required to wear school uniform. In order to minimize the spread of infection, we would ask that pupils wear sensible clothing that conforms to the requirements of a typical non-uniform day. However, we would ask that where possible excessive layers e.g. cardigans, jumpers / pullovers are not worn. I must also ask, that the same clothes are not worn the following day, and inline with Welsh Government guidance, the clothes are washed as soon as the child gets home.
These are strange times! As a school we are looking forward to a “new normal”.
I hope to provide you with further information as it becomes available.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Wilkinson