Distribution of GCSE results

  Distribution of GCSE results     Recent news indicates changes to plans in Northern Ireland.BBC Radio Wales is also reporting an appetite for similar change here in Wales.The arrangements for Year 11 to collect their GCSE results on Thursday remain unchanged (Below is reminder of the staggered times for collection).We would usually make provision … Read more

Year 11 GCSE Results

  Distribution of GCSE Certificates to Year 11 Thursday 20th August 2020 The GCSE certificates will be distributed on Thursday 20th August.Due to the ongoing Covid 19 Pandemic we will be staggering the distribution to ensure the safety of all those involved. The certificates will be distributed in form class order and pupils are asked … Read more

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

As of 18th March 2020, school will be closed to pupils in Years 7 – 9. School will remain OPEN to pupils in Years 10 & 11, and to any pupils in Year 7 – 9 whose parent works for the NHS as a doctor or nurse. If you work in the NHS and are … Read more