Return to school & Frequently Asked Questions
Reminder – Opening Dates:
Thursday 3rd September 2020 – Year 7
Friday 4th September 2020 – Years 7 & 11
Monday 7th September 2020 – years 7, 11 & 10
Tuesday 8th September 2020 – Years 7, 11, 10 & 9
Wednesday 9th September 2020 – Years 7, 11, 10, 9 & 8
I hope you enjoyed a safe and relaxing Summer Holiday. The Autumn term is almost upon us, and I am looking forward to seeing pupils back in school (from the dates above).
As you are aware, we are operating in a very different environment to previously, and the welfare of our whole school – pupils and staff is paramount.Our support staff have been working hard throughout the summer to ensure that your child joins us in a safe and clean environment and that we conform to the requirements and guidance set out by Welsh Government.
It is a statutory requirement for children to attend school from September. Children should arrive at school on time, and attend every day (from their return date above). However, please ensure that If you child is displaying any symptoms relating to Covid (high temperature, cough, loss of smell etc) that you do not send them to school. Instead you should immediately arrange for a Covid-19 test, and contact the school to keep us updated.Should a pupil arrive at school with any of these symptoms they will be isolated and you will be contacted to collect them.
Parents and Carers are asked to confirm their phone and email contact details via the link below.Once this has been updated in our system we will send you a link so that you can sign up to a new ‘Parent App’.It is vitally important that we have your up to date information.Once set up, the Parent App will allow you to update your contact information as well as providing you with other services e.g. able to view your child’s timetable
We have compiled a list of responses to some frequently asked questions.Please understand that the information provided below is correct at the time of writing and may change.We will give as much notice as we can with regard to this and any changes will be updated via the ‘School App’ and website.
School Environment – work has been carried out over the last few months to ensure we comply with local and Welsh Government guidance.All classrooms have been arranged with desks facing forward, and areas have been marked out to ensure staff can maintain social distancing with pupils as much as possible.Floors in corridors have been marked out to ensure the 2 metre distance and pupils will be reminded of this.There is clear signage reminding pupils to wash hands.Sanitiser is provided throughout the school – on the yard, in classrooms, and corridors.Pupils may bring in their own hand sanitiser if preferred.Antibacterial wipes will also be provided in classrooms to allow pupils and staff to wipe down their own spaces.Enhanced cleaning arrangements for classrooms will continue at the end of each day and regular cleaning of frequent touch points will be ongoing throughout the day.Areas have been zoned for respective year groups and this will also be implemented outside for break and lunch times
School transport – we have been advised that all school transport will be running from Thursday 3rd September.All parents who have applied for a bus place should now have been sent relevant information and a bus pass for their child.If you have not received this please email school transport directly via [email protected]
Wearing of masks – Welsh Government have delegated the decision to schools.Parents should provide their child with face mask to be worn on public/school transport and in communal areas of the school e.g. corridors.
School Uniform – all pupils should report for school in full school uniform.When a pupil is scheduled to have PE they should attend school in PE kit on that day rather than their uniform.The changing rooms will not be in operation until further notice. Pupils will receive more information on this during the first few weeks.
School Bags – pupils can bring their school bags in with them and this should contain their books and for the days lessons and essential equipment as set out in their planner (pencil case, ruler, pens pencils etc).The sharing of stationary items / basic equipment will not be allowed.
Water Bottles – Pupils may bring a water bottle to school with them.The water fountain in the dining room will not be in operation. However, sealed water bottles can be purchased from the restaurant.
Lessons – All year groups will be zoned throughout the school. Pupils in Years 7, 8 & 9 will remain in the same room allocated to them for their lessons with the exception of PE.Subject teachers will move to the classroom (rather than the pupils moving) – this reduces potential contact with other groups significantly.
Pupils in Years 10 and 11 will be taught in a zone which will allow access to a different set of classrooms and movement to reflect the particular set or option group they are in. This movement will be limited to their zone.
Music, PE,Science, Technology, – due to the current situation there be some restrictions on the practical parts of these lessons. Pupils will be advised during lessons.
Homework – This will predominantly be set through Google classrooms
Peripatetic Music Lessons – we are awaiting further information regarding individual and group music lessons. These do not normally take place in the first few weeks.
Study Plus –Study Plus sessions will not run at the moment. Doing so would place staff and pupils in multiple contact groups.
Pupil Assemblies – There will be no Year Group assemblies.Members of staff will provide an act of worship that will be shared with each form class on the day of the Year Group Assembly.
Toilets – Pupils in each year group will have access to a set of toilets which will be monitored and cleaned regularly throughout the day.
Break and Lunch times – pupils will have the opportunity to go outside where possible. This will be staggered and will vary for each year group. Pupils can bring packed lunches if they wish. If pupils are having school meals, please ensure that your child has credit on their school meals account. The best way to do this is by paying via the on line payment system which can be accessed from the link below.If you have not used this service before please contact the school to obtain your child’s pin number.
Years 7, 8 & 9 will have food delivered to their rooms
Years 10 & 11 will use the restaurant
Start of School Day – Pupils should head to the school yard for 8:50am. After the first day, pupils will go to their designated zone / room at 8:50am where they will be met by staff.
End of School Day – pupils will be dismissed in stages with priority being given to those travelling on school transport to ensure a safe departure from the school buildings.All pupils will be dismissed by 3.30pm.
School Trips – we await information from Welsh Government with regard to school trips already booked.We will keep parents informed regarding each trip.
Visitors to school – visitors to school will be kept to an absolute minimum and must be pre-booked.Parents are asked to contact the school via the school email or telephone. Please understand that parents will not be allowed into the school without a prior appointment.
Mobile Phones –Mobile phones should not be brought to school without written permission.