Winter PE Kit

A number of parents have asked for clarity regarding PE Kit during the winter months. During these exceptional times, and in order to continue to provide practical PE lessons, we are allowing pupil to wear PE clothing throughout the entire school day.As you are aware, the changing rooms are currently out of use – therefore … Read more

GCSEs Summer 2021

Yesterday, we received notification that our current Year 11 pupils will not be sitting GCSE examinations in the summer. The Education minister has taken the decision to replace formal external examinations with assessments that will take place inside the classroom. Her press release made it clear that these assessments will be set and marked by … Read more

Arrangements for Next Week – w/c 2nd Nov 2020

Dear all, I do hope that you / your child(ren) have had a good week and have kept yourselves safe and well! As you have no doubt seen on the news, secondary schools in Wales are operating differently from tomorrow.  School is open to Years 7 & 8 as normal and pupils in these year … Read more